If you would like to advertise your event or
casting call on Plus Size Confessions,
please email us at plussizeconfessions@gmail.com
$5 a Post
You ad will stay up until the day of your event!
for Savannah, GA Locals.
Plus Size Confessions is seeking 5 Female Plus Size Models of ALL backgrounds: Petite, Average, or Tall.
- No pay
- TFP (you will receive all of your photos)
- Lunch is provided
- Will be apart of a movement which Intel's future photo shoots and promotion of your social media accounts!
Requirements to submit:
1. Must be Savannah, GA Local (Or able to self-report to meeting & photo shoot)
2. Must be size 16 & up
3. Must be comfortable wearing Crop tops, close/tight fitting clothing
4. MUST NOT be offended by the word PLUS SIZE
If you match these requirements please submit the following:
1. Natural face make-up selfie
2. Full body shot selfie
3. Your contact info ( Phone Number, Email)
4. Your height, weight and size
Models chosen will be apart of an online campaign! (You will receive more info if chosen)
Please submit your info here:
Please put in the subject: Plus size model
If you have any questions please contact: